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Flight Safety

June 8th, 2015

One of our littles returned from a 4 week stint in Italy.  On his first day back I asked him what fun things he did while there.  He exclaimed in his 4 1/2 year old manner: "I saw a movie on the plane!"  Thinking he saw a newly released kids film, I prodded for more detail.  He excitedly recited: "we saw a movie about the plane making a water landing!"  I almost peed my pants, tryng to hold in my laughter.  He went on to say the air masks would fall out of a little hole in the ceiling and his seat cushion could be used as a flotation device in the water.  

After some more discussion we agreed nobody wanted to land a plane in the water.  Little did I know, nobody wanted NOT to water land more than this poor little guy!

While this was very humorous, I later asked his Dad about why this was the only thing he seemed to remember.  Was it because he was so tired from the trip and this was the last thing he remembered?  Dad then reminded me how fearful his son is of water-- pools, getting his hair wet,  and then shared that his son was so terrified when he heard the plane might land in the water, that a thorough review of the safety information was the only way to calm him down.  It was clear it was a quite traumatic for his 4 year old.

Just a reminder that Flight Safety includes a little person's loving parent-- a little boy's very own flotation device.